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Tilt 'N' Shout Party Game Review

Writer: Jim GamerJim Gamer

WBG Score: 8

Player Count: 2 - or two teams of any size.

You’ll like this if you like: Anomia, Stay Cool, 20 Second Showdown.

Designed by: Gary Pyper

Published by: Big Potato Games

This is a free review copy. See our review policy here.

I love party games, and anything with a bit of table presence like this always grabs me. It adds the toy factor to what is already something that appeals to me, a game! Now bring in the competitive nature of the trivia side, and you really are talking my language! Tilt 'N' Shout brings all this to the table for a joyful bag of fun. So, let's set it up and see how it plays.

Tilt 'N' Shout Party Game Review

How To Set Up Tilt 'N' Shout

Take out the base and snap the yellow piece into it. It clicks in nicely. For your first game, you will need to add some stickers to the scoring zones and base sides. Then place the base blocks into the two slots closest to the middle of the base. Next, take out a decent wedge of cards and place them face down on the top. Take the top three of these cards and place them separately into a row. Then take one of the two balls and add it to the play area. Finally, split into two even teams and sit facing either side of the base.

Tilt 'N' Shout Party Game Review

How To Play Tilt 'N' Shout

One player from one side will now compete against one from the other. First, one player will choose one of the three face-down cards. The cards show a symbol on the back indicating what the category may be. Can you guess what the below cards may be about? Capital cities, Dinosaurs, non-team sports, and modes of transportation if you are interested.

Flip one that appeals to reveal that round's challenge: sports teams, types of cheese, items of clothing. When ready, drop the ball into the middle hole of the seesaw and say aloud the first thing that fits that round's category. "Edam!" You can then flick the seesaw down in your direction. This will cause the ball in the middle to begin rolling slowly towards you.

The idea of the game is to get the ball to roll into your scoring area. But as soon as you flip the seesaw down, the player on the other side can now say their own answer, "Brie!" and flip the seesaw back down towards them to cause the ball to change its direction of travel.

Tilt 'N' Shout Party Game Review

This will continue, backwards and forwards, with the seesaw constantly changing sides, and the balls moving closer and closer to the edge, until finally one team runs out of answers. The ball will then fulfil its journey, land into one team's scoring area, and that team wins that round.

The winning team will now move their block one step closer to their winning zone, meaning when they tilt the seesaw in their direction in the next round, it will tilt to a lower degree, causing the ball to move slower. This means that the other side now has an advantage. But of course, they will do the same the next round they win.

Reset the three available category cards, and then the next team picks another card, flips it, and the game begins again with the next two players.

Tilt 'N' Shout Party Game Review

The game continues like this until one team wins a round with their block in the final position. Teams must not help their teammates out when it is not their turn, and any incorrect answers can be challenged by anyone at any point. Simply move the seesaw back to a middle position until the challenge has been resolved.

Is It Fun? Tilt 'N' Shout

This game truly brings an exciting and lively atmosphere to any gathering. It is designed to keep players on their toes with its time pressure element, injecting a sense of urgency and thrill into the gameplay. The challenge of testing your trivia knowledge adds an intellectual aspect to the fun, allowing players to show off their expertise and learn about their friends knowledge too. Moreover, the element of healthy competition creates a dynamic and engaging environment where players can enjoy friendly rivalry and strive to outsmart each other.

This game offers a perfect blend of excitement, mental stimulation, and social interaction, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a thrilling and entertaining party game experience. If you like time pressure that is! If you don't, then this game will simply stress you out.

Tilt 'N' Shout Party Game Review

But for those of you that enjoy this sort of experience, Tilt 'N' Shout brings this type of back-and-forth trivia test to the table in a simple, fast, engaging way, with a cool table presence, lots of variety with the huge deck of cards, and in a family-friendly and accessible way. The game looks cool set up on the table, and will draw people in just by the way it looks. Everyone will want to tip the seesaw and watch the ball roll!

My only issue with the game is that the tray the ball rolls in is not quite flat inside, and every now and then, especially when the seesaw is wedged to a lower degree, the ball will stop rolling when it should continue its path. I cannot tell if this is deliberate or not; the rules make no mention of this, so I can only assume it is because the manufacturing of the game has left some tiny imperfection inside the plastic causing the ball to get stuck. It takes a simple tap to get it rolling again, but can be annoying in a tightly fought game!

I would recommend this game to anyone who enjoys party games that bring people together in a real-time way, challenging people with basic trivia but under time pressure, making the game harder. If you enjoy this sort of experience, Tilt 'N' Shout could well become a firm favourite at your gaming table for many years to come.


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